Top 12 PHP Framework-You should know

In today’s post, we are reading about Top 12 PHP Framework. Software building can be a difficult work, time-consuming process, however utilizing a framework can help you develop projects faster, and work better, Because of reusing generic components and modules also building on one unified structural foundation.

As we all know PHP is the most popular scripting language. It makes the development process a lot of easier and helps to cut back development prices and time. That’s why the main focus is turning towards to using this programming language. PHP frameworks boost the programming process. They help to write and structurize code, make it easy to comply MVC and to scale projects. Thus, there is no denying the fact that right PHP framework is the only way to implement development successfully.

Here is the list of Top 12 PHP Framework –

  • Laravel Framework
  • CodeIgniter Framework
  • YiiFramework
  • Symfony Framework
  • Phalcon Framework
  • CakePHP Framework
  • Nette Framework
  • Zend Framework
  • FuelPHP Framework
  • Aura Framework
  • Phpixie Framework
  • Slim Framework


1  Laravel  –


laravel Top 12 PhP Framework - Top 12 PHP Framework-You should know

Laravel is one of all the latest PHP frameworks. This is often a strong MVC PHP framework, designed for developers who would like an easy and stylish toolkit to make full-featured web applications. Laravel is associate Open supply framework. it’s an awfully made set of options which is able to boost the speed of internet Development. Since version three, Laravel has exploded in quality to become one of the most in style and wide used PHP frameworks in a short span of your time. The Laravel repository on GitHub has a lot of stars than its a lot of mature contemporaries like Symfony, CakePHP, CodeIgniter, and Yii.

Best Features

  • Query builder and ORM (Object Relational Mapper)
  • Schema builder, migrations, and seeding
  • Template engine
  • E-mailing


2  CodeIgniter –

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CodeIgniter is an Application Development Framework – a toolkit – for those who build websites using PHP. Its goal is to modify you to develop comes much quicker than you may if you were writing code from scratch, by providing a fashionable set of libraries for ordinarily required tasks, still as an easy interface and logical structure to access these libraries.

CodeIgniter enables you to creatively target your project by minimizing the number of code required for a given task. CodeIgniter is not strictly based on the MVC development pattern.

Best Features

  • Form and Data Validation
  • Email Sending Class
  • Session Management.
  • Security and XSS Filtering.


3) Yii 2 

yii2 Top 12 PhP Framework - Top 12 PHP Framework-You should know

Yii is a generic internet programming framework, that means it is often used for developing every kind of internet applications using PHP. due to its component-based design and complex caching support, it’s particularly appropriate for developing large-scale applications like portals, forums, content management systems (CMS), e-commerce comes, reposeful internet services, and so on. This  is integrated with jQuery, and it comes with a set of AJAX-enabled features, and it implements an easy-to-use skinning and theming mechanism, so it can be a great choice for someone who comes from a frontend background.

Best Features

  • Great Security. …
  • Highly extensible and modern technologies
  • Easy installation
  • Handling errors effectively.


4) Symfony 2

symphony Top 12 PhP Framework - Top 12 PHP Framework-You should know

Symfony 4 was released on November 30th. This is A set of decoupled and reusable components on which the best PHP applications are built, such as Drupal, phpBB, and eZ Publish. Symfony is The leading PHP framework to create websites and web applications. Built on top of the Symfony Components.

Best Features

  • Easier to learn
  • Fully automated to improve your productivity
  • Micro by default (70% less code than Symfony 3)
  • SMPS Technology.


5) Phalcon – 


phalcon1 - Top 12 PHP Framework-You should knowPhalcon code is compiled and isn’t interpreted because it’s already compiled to a specific platform and processor. A powerful ORM is provided by Phalcon allowing you to manipulate database records as classes and objects. MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite are supported out of the box.

Phalcon not only boosts execution speeds but also decreases resource usage. It is also packed with many cool features such as a universal auto-loader, asset management, security, translation, caching, and many others.

Best Features

  • Autoloader
  • Router
  • Rest
  • Low overhead


6) CakePHP –

cakephp Top 12 PhP Framework - Top 12 PHP Framework-You should know

CakePHP is licensed under the MIT license which makes it perfect for use in Commercial applications. This comes with built-in tools for input validation, CSRF protection, Form tampering protection, SQL injection prevention, and XSS prevention, helping you keep your application safe & secure.

It is an excellent tool for creating web apps that need high-level of security, as it has many built-in security features such as input validation, SQL injection prevention.

Best Features

  • Class inheritance
  • Easily extend with plug-ins
  • Built-in Validation.
  • No Configuration


7) Nette Framework –

nette logo blue 300x150 - Top 12 PHP Framework-You should know

Nette is a set of decoupled and reusable PHP packages that will make your work easier. You can use any of these packages independently from the rest of framework. It uses revolutionary technology that eliminates security holes and their misuse, such as XSS, CSRF, session hijacking, session fixation, etc.

Best Features

  • Open Source License.
  • A Mature Object-Oriented Design.
  • Modern Framework
  • Plugins and Extensions


8) Zend Framework –

zend Top 12 PhP Framework - Top 12 PHP Framework-You should know

Zend Framework a pair of uses 100 percent object-oriented code and utilizes most of the new options of PHP 5.3, The zend Framework 3  evolved from both Zend Framework 2 and 1; cumulatively. It can be used to develop web applications and services.

Best Features

  • Object-oriented
  • Faster Performance
  • lambda functions
  • late static binding


9) Fuel PHP –

fuel Top 12 PhP Framework - Top 12 PHP Framework-You should know

FuelPHP takes a unique approach to several frameworks and strives to be community-driven. This framework was started in late 2010. FuelPHP is an easy, flexible, community driven PHP 5.3 web framework supported the simplest ideas of alternative frameworks with a clean slate. almost every class in FuelPHP’s core package will be extended without you having to change one line of code where it’s used.

Best Features

  • MVC Framework
  • Modular and extendable to a fault
  • Powerful yet lightweight ORM included
  • Authentication framework


10) Aura –

aura Top 12 PhP Framework - Top 12 PHP Framework-You should know

Aura could be a UI framework for developing dynamic net apps for mobile and desktop devices. It provides a climbable long-lasting lifecycle to support building apps built for growth. Aura supports divided multi-tier part development that bridges the client and server. It uses JavaScript on the client facet and Java on the server aspect. Aura comes with a rich and extensible component set to quick start building apps. You don’t have to spend your time optimizing your apps for different devices as the components take care of that for you.

Best Features

  • Open-source framework
  • Embedded testing
  • Performance
  • Security features


11) Phpixie –

phpixie Top 12 PhP Framework - Top 12 PHP Framework-You should know

Phpixie is a powerful and fast PHP framework. It is the PHP framework that will never stand in your way and provides you with full control over execution flow, easy to learn and straightforward to master. Reuse and share your code via Composer as self-contained bundles. Phpixie Database components support working with MongoDB out of the box and Designed from scratch according to SOLID principles and industry standards. It Using cryptographically secure hashes, random tokens, and secure cookie handing.

Best Features

  • Linear code flow
  • Best practices
  • MongoDB support
  • Bundle system


12) Slim –

slim Top 12 PhP Framework - Top 12 PHP Framework-You should know

Slim is employed by several PHP developers, for developing quiet Apis and services. It comes with options like URL routing, client-side HTTP caching, session- and cookie cryptography, and it supports “flash” messages across HTTP requests as well. Slim’s creator was inspired by, a Ruby microframework called Sinatra. Slim is a PHP micro framework that provides you with everything you need and nothing you don’t.

Best Features

  • HTTP Router
  • Middleware
  • PSR-7 Support
  • Dependency Injection


Note: All images are taken from the google search.

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About author
Darshan Saroya

Darshan Saroya

A passionate WordPress Theme Developer. I love to create clean and modern themes, using the power of WordPress. Here I provide the tutorials related to WordPress Development, Core PHP and HTML.


Maru Ojas

Maru Ojas

December 6, 2017 at 9:34 am Reply

hi sir
good info

    awais qarni

    awais qarni

    December 13, 2017 at 11:36 pm

    Hello ,very good article thanks for sharing, keep up the good work ,best of luck for your future projects