Add User Programmatically in WordPress
Darshan Saroya

Add User Programmatically in WordPress

WordPress is a popular content management system that allows users to create and manage websites easily. One of the key features of WordPress is its ability to add and manage users, allowing multiple people to contribute to the website. Why add a user programmatically to WordPress? While users can be added manually through the WordPress […]

6 months ago
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Top 6 Tips to Customize WordPress Website
Darshan Saroya

Top 6 Tips to Customize WordPress Website

Although many tips, tools, and templates help beginners create a WordPress site, the vast array of plugins and customization options can be overwhelming and even verge on being distracting when starting. To be as efficient as possible, working to create a great site while wasting as little time learning and building new assets as possible, […]

1 year ago
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How to Use SMTP Mail Server to Send Emails in WordPress
Darshan Saroya

How to Use SMTP Mail Server to Send Emails in WordPress

Are you having hassle sending emails from your WordPress site? One simple thanks to solving this is often by sending WordPress emails using the Gmail SMTP server. during this article, we’ll show you the way to send emails from your WordPress website using the Gmail SMTP server. Why and when after you want Gmail SMTP […]

5 years ago
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3 Crucial Tips for Making Your WordPress Site a Success
Darshan Saroya

3 Crucial Tips for Making Your WordPress Site a Success

WordPress has been the most-used platform for creating a website for a long time. And although other website creation interfaces such as Wix are becoming more popular, there are still plenty reasons why you should use WordPress if you want a website that’s simple, safe, and convenient for both you and your visitors. There are […]

5 years ago
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How to Add Extra class in WordPress Menu
Darshan Saroya

How to Add Extra class in WordPress Menu

Sometimes we need to highlight a menu item in our WordPress website and it is quite difficult to do such a task. But it is as simple as adding a menu item to a WordPress menu. WordPress already provides a lot of customization but we are unaware of that. In this tutorial, I will teach […]

5 years ago
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How good WordPress hosting improves your website performance
Darshan Saroya

How good WordPress hosting improves your website performance?

Whether you already have a WordPress powered website or just planning on building one, WordPress hosting is a topic to be discussed. It is a service that ensures the optimum management of the technical aspects of WordPress. This hosting service is provided by several companies and is well known for giving reviews on those […]

5 years ago
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