Add User Programmatically in WordPress
Darshan Saroya

Add User Programmatically in WordPress

WordPress is a popular content management system that allows users to create and manage websites easily. One of the key features of WordPress is its ability to add and manage users, allowing multiple people to contribute to the website. Why add a user programmatically to WordPress? While users can be added manually through the WordPress […]

6 months ago
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Update Cart Automatically on Quantity Change
Darshan Saroya

Update Cart Automatically on Quantity Change – WooCommerce

When It comes to UX, we need to add some automatic actions in UI. And such pages, like cart, checkout, need more user experience. In general, on the cart page, we need to click the Update Cart button every time we change the quantity of a cart item. It affect the UX of the system […]

3 years ago
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Using Bootstrap in WordPress - A Guide
Darshan Saroya

Using Bootstrap in WordPress – A Guide

Ever wanted using Bootstrap in WordPress website? Maybe you’ve got your eye on a Bootstrap template and would like to add it to your website. In this article, we’re going to take a look at everything you need to know about using Bootstrap in WordPress. Now there are plenty of Bootstrap themes and templates out […]

3 years ago
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Adding AJAX to WordPress - Developer Guide
Darshan Saroya

Adding AJAX to WordPress – Developer Guide

AJAX give app like feel to a website. With AJAX a page’s content is updated without page refresh. Ajax is the art of exchanging data with a server, and updating parts of a web page without reloading. What Is AJAX? AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. In simple words, we can say AJAX update […]

3 years ago
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Darshan Saroya

How To Quickly Create A Page Restriction WordPress Plugin In 20 Lines Of Code

Recently I had a client who required me to block access to the entire website except for a couple of pages. You would think this would be fairly straightforward to do however after messing about in the Restrict Content plugin I finally had enough of it not acting the way I wanted to – and […]

5 years ago
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Must have plugins for WordPress Developer
Darshan Saroya

7 Must have plugins for a WordPress Developer, 6th one is the best

Anyone who develope WordPress stuff is a WordPress developer. WordPress Developer may be developed themes or plugins or both. A theme is a piece of code that render frontend of a WordPress site. While plugins are used to extend the functionality of a theme. For example, if theme not provide forms or only provide limited […]

6 years ago
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