How good WordPress hosting improves your website performance

How good WordPress hosting improves your website performance?

Whether you already have a WordPress powered website or just planning on building one, WordPress hosting is a topic to be discussed. It is a service that ensures the optimum management of the technical aspects of WordPress.

This hosting service is provided by several companies and is well known for giving reviews on those service providers.

It is important for a business to choose a good WordPress Hosting service to give a competitive edge to their website. Before proceeding further with the subject, let’s understand what WordPress Hosting really is.

Generally, there are two types of WordPress Hosting services – Shared WordPress Hosting and Managed WordPress Hosting. As opposed to the Shared WordPress hosting service, the Managed one can be more reliable and act as a performance booster to your website.

So how good WordPress hosting improves your website performance?

Managed WordPress Hosting.

As it appears in the term itself, it is the type of hosting that is specifically designed to optimize the WordPress websites. Through Managed WordPress Hosting, you can scale your server in order to handle heavy traffic.

This type of WordPress Hosting is different and can be much better than entry-level hosting. Managed WordPress Hosting is supervised by a trained team of professionals that knows how to manage the servers for optimum performance.

How does it boost the performance of your website?

1. Support

One of the foremost reasons that come as an advantage for a performance booster is tech support.

Basically, the Managed WordPress Hosting deals in the WordPress platform. Speaking of which, they do not mess with Magneto, Drupal, or Cpanel.

The support team that provides this kind of WordPress hosting, contribute to the core of the WordPress platform and other open source projects.

The chat support is supervised by the experts that are ready to provide you with the solution whenever you reach out to them for a troubleshoot.

2. Fine tuning and enhanced speed

The Managed WordPress Hosting is fine-tuned to work with the WordPress platform. Unlike Shared Hosting, the managed one does not waste your time in installing software and other add-ons to manage the speed.

All technical work is supported by the team behind the Managed Shared Hosting and therefore, provides you with the necessary boost for your website with an increased speed of the server.

This enhancement in speed is something you couldn’t get in the shared hosting option.

3. Worldwide Reach

Let alone the server-level performance, the service providers that mostly deal with the Managed WordPress Hosting have a large infrastructure. This enlarged infrastructure is designed for the global reach.

A few of these companies use Google Cloud Platform that allows you to choose your server location from different regions.

These locations could be anywhere from the USA, Asia-Pacific, and Europe. If you strategically place your website closer to your visitors, it decreases the network latency. Thus, it results in a quicker load time.

4. Backups

In order to rectify the worst-case scenario such as data loss, most of the companies provide automatic backups. It is the duty of the good Managed WordPress Hosting service provider to cater you with the necessary backup, just in case you lose your data.

A few of these service providers also, provide you with the option to restore your lost data with a single click. This is something that comes in handy, in case you are loading or installing something and due to some technical fault, you compromise with your data.

5. Security

Let’s not forget the security aspect. In Shared WordPress Hosting, the service providers do not care much about this necessary facet.

On top of that, they do not even provide you with the much-needed assistance if your website is attacked by a cyber threat.

On the contrary, in the Managed WordPress Hosting, a service provider offers you the required support if your system gets any kind of breach. They have integrated the system in their server machines that protect you from a possible malware attack.


It is crucial for your website to perform at its best in order to fetch you the desired sales for your business.

Therefore, your website requires a good Managed WordPress Hosting provider that helps in tweaking the overall performance of your website.

The above-told are the ways by which a reliable company can enhance the functionality of your website.

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Darshan Saroya

Darshan Saroya

A passionate WordPress Theme Developer. I love to create clean and modern themes, using the power of WordPress. Here I provide the tutorials related to WordPress Development, Core PHP and HTML.