Some Facts About 4g Technology

Some Facts About 4G Technology

4g Technology

Let’s have a look at the “4G Technology”. In Telecom terms, it references to the speed of the connectivity. But also you may have a doubt What is 4G? What its exact term?

Most of them are familiar with the 4G standards because most of the smartphones are using this standard.

The term 4G simply means the “Fourth Generation”, its evolution of data transfer technologies.

  • First Generation(1G) of mobile technology came in 1982 with analogue transmission
  • Second Generation(2G) of mobile technology appeared in the form of digital information exchange in 1992.
  • Third Generation(3G) was established in 2001 with multi-media support along with high transfer rate up to 250 kilobits per second.
  • Fourth Generation(4G) is established with lots of improvement than 3G. It is an IP based technology transmission.

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#1 Who Sets the 4G Standards

  • 4G technology is meant to provide “ultra-broadband” access for mobile devices.
  • The International Telecommunications Union-Radio communications sector (ITU-R) created a set of standards that networks must meet for 4G.
  • In order to be considered 4G, known as the International Mobile Telecommunications Advanced (IMT-Advanced) specification.

#2 What are the 4G Standards?

  • 4G Network is based on the Internet protocol(IP) packet switching.
  • Uses OFMDA multi-carrier transmission methods
  • Using Frequency domain equalization(FDE) methods instead of spread spectrum radio technology.
  • In 4G technology, data transfer rates are close to 100 megabits per seconds on mobile and for the local access, it goes up to 1 Gigabit per seconds.
  • Additionally, it provides smooth handovers across different networks without data loss and gives high-quality data services.

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#3 Important aspects of 4G technology

  • It eliminates Parallel circuit switched
  • It uses Internet protocol version 6(IPv6)
  • The present online protocol version 4(IPv4) has a limited number of IP address that is assigned to devices, meaning duplicate addresses should be created and reused with network address translation (NAT).
  • IPv6 has a far bigger number of speeches and provides streamlined experiences for users.

#4 The 4G Confusion

  • International Telecommunication Union (ITU) as viable 4G candidates: LTE and LTE Advanced are the two 4G technology.
  • The standardized variations of those technologies would be the closest we’ll get to “authentic 4G” since 4G has been defined.
  • The most noteworthy in 4G criteria are elimination of IP address limits, improved data transfer speeds and easy handovers of customers over heterogeneous networks.
  • The innovative capabilities of LTE networks of the main carriers are rapidly using the rates promised by 4G.

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#5 Listed below are a Couple of wireless programs that use 4G rates:

Sprint Network:

  • It uses its 4G LTE PLUS to their customers staying customers must require the 4G LTE.
  • Sprint is the very first network to check the rate of their data utilization of their customer.
  • Two variable to utilize the Sprint system is that the services provided by these along with also the information services on all of the place are great.


  • They claim to be the quickest and most innovative 4G LTE system and there are evaluations that back up this claim.
  • Their Extended Range LTE sign goes 2x farther and can be 4x much better in buildings compared to before implementing the technologies.
  • Meaning there aren’t any hidden charges that surprise you once you receive the wireless invoice.

US Cellular

  • They supply 4G LTE information service throughout the nation however, their policy might not be as wide as the other contenders.
  • Their claim to fame is they’re in a position to deliver services at which others decide not to. That’s a great thing if you just happen to be in a few of these outlying areas with inadequate coverage.
  • The costs for their programs are extremely comparable, or even cheaper than the contest making US Mobile a fantastic pick.


  • The system promises to be the country’s best data system and these claims are backed with a Nielson poll.
  • They utilize 4G LTE Advanced to attain this success. They are continuously striving to become a much better system to keep you attached to a own world and they do a fairly great job of doing exactly that.
  • They appear to be somewhat stingy about the prices they provide for wireless service but nevertheless a fantastic selection for a 4G network.

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NOTE: Images are taken from Google Image Search.

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Darshan Saroya

Darshan Saroya

A passionate WordPress Theme Developer. I love to create clean and modern themes, using the power of WordPress. Here I provide the tutorials related to WordPress Development, Core PHP and HTML.