Affordable web hosting & domain registration for new Wordpress site

Affordable web hosting & domain registration for new WordPress site

Web hosting and domain registration are some of the key components of every successful website. If you’re about to run a WordPress website for your business/blog, considering which hosting provider to choose may be the hard decision. First of all – choosing the best WordPress hosting service for your site depends on many factors: will your website be big or just presentation, do you expect website growing in the future, how fast you want it to be, etc.

Once you consider what you want, finding the most affordable hosting provider will be much easier. At least, you’ll know that price always depends on many factors and that the cheapest option is not always the best for your WordPress site.

In this article, we will try to explain to you the most common doubts users have when starting a WordPress website and a domain registration. Also, we will try to cover the basics of WordPress hosting so you can make the best decision.

Web hosting – what is it?

If you are a beginner, we should try to simplify it. Web hosting is a place where your website lives on the internet – like a house for all information your website is built from. So, logically, you will try to find the most reliable host, so all your content will be safe and secure, no matter what.

Domain name – a trademark of your website and your business

To start a website, you need a domain name – it’s a name your customers type in search so they can reach your website. It needs to be easy to remember, short, catchy, and different than any other competitors’ website names. Once you’ve decided which domain name you want, you need to register it. Usually, many hosting providers offer domain registration, and sometimes it’s free. Also, it’s very favorably, because you can both buy hosting and domain name from one provider.

What type of web hosting to choose – feel the difference

This is usually the most confusing thing about starting a website. The common mistakes people make is using free and inexpensive web hosting plans. Inexpensive web hosting may be fine at the beginning of your business, but if you are planning to grow and expect more website traffic, it can cause more damage and costs than benefits. Let’s talk about the most common types of web hosting plans for WordPress. We’ll try to help you determine which hosting would best serve the needs of your business whether you are just creating your online presence or looking to take your website to the next level.

1. Shared hosting

Shared hosting means just what it says – your WordPress website is hosted on a server shared by other websites (probably hundreds or thousands of them). The advantage of this type of hosting has shared the cost, and it’s a perfect option for small WordPress websites with less traffic. But, if some of the websites on shared hosting are more popular than others, it will affect your website and all others. A mixed blessing.

Hostinger has the best offers for small or medium websites provided by the leaders of the industry at the lowest cost. With free domain registration for Business and Premium hosting plans, free website builder, Hostinger is one of the leaders in the hosting industry with the perfect balance between quality and the price of website hosting.

2. Managed WordPress hosting

The expanding popularity of WordPress many web hosting providers offers users a kind of “premium” hosting experience to keep you worry-free. It means that the hosting company will keep your WordPress installation up-to-date. It helps protect your WordPress site from security threats that would allow hackers to harm it.

3. VPS WordPress hosting

Virtual Private Server (VPS) is a combination of privacy and control of managed hosting, while you are still using a shared server. It’s the best option for medium WordPress websites.

4. Dedicated WordPress hosting

It’s a physical server you’re renting from the provider, and it’s in your full control. You won’t need to worry if some other website will affect your traffic, and it’s best for high-traffic sites and blogs.


The cost of your website and domain hosting depends on your WordPress website traffic and your affinities for the future. So, think proactive and smartly of all your plans so you can find what would be the most affordable option for you, and make the best finance plan. Good luck!

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Darshan Saroya

Darshan Saroya

A passionate WordPress Theme Developer. I love to create clean and modern themes, using the power of WordPress. Here I provide the tutorials related to WordPress Development, Core PHP and HTML.