No Ifs, Buts Or Whys This Is The Impact Of Buying TikTok Followers

No Ifs, Buts Or Whys: This Is The Impact Of Buying TikTok Followers

Everyone keeps saying that buying TikTok followers is a hoax. That will not only destroy your online reputation but also retard your account’s growth. There are hundreds of blog posts and YouTube videos out there.

Some are urging you to buy followers, while others are strongly condemning the act.

Lucky for you to stumble on this blog post because here, we will only put forth arguments backed up by easy-to-understand and straightforward technical concepts. Then you can go on and decide for yourself if buying TikTok followers is worth it or not?

Let’s analyze the TikTok algorithm

So basically, for growth, TikTok’s algorithm analyses the engagement on an account. The higher the engagement, the better and faster your growth will happen.

What important things constitute engagement? Easy. The most basic things determining the engagement are Likes, comments, shares, saves, views, and, most importantly, Followers.

If you happen to boost any of these values to their threshold values, you indirectly increase your account engagement. But not all of these variables have the same effect on the final engagement. For example, Likes have a far better effect on engagement than views, and Followers affect engagement more than Likes do. That’s why it’s always better to buy real TikTok followers.

Simply put, if you increase your followers, it will have the same effect as increasing your Likes and views together.

How can you make this algorithm favor you?

Very simple. All you have to do is increase your followers by going to some authentic website and get TikTok followers.

What this will do is let you appear on the ‘For You’ page more often. Your target audience will be able to see you more frequently, and by seeing you seem so much, they will be subconsciously forced to visit your profile and possibly give you a follow.

Be careful though

Careful that you don’t buy a whole lot of followers in one go. Split your target number into small parts.

For example, do not buy 1000 followers in one go; rather, buy in batches of 200 over the whole week.

What this will do is not only save you from suspicion, which can result in your negative growth, but also give an indication to the AI of TikTok that you’re using fake means for growth. In this case, the AI will cease to take you on the ‘For You’ page.

Followers build credibility

This is especially important for business profiles. Business profiles need to portray an authentic and genuine image. This is mainly done visually through followers.

Imagine yourself. Would you want to buy a business profile’s services, completely alien to you, with a very low number of followers? Your subconscious simply does not allow you to avail of those services because it thinks that the particular account is not credible and trustworthy enough. That if it were an authentic business profile, its audience would’ve followed it already.

Buying cheap TikTok followers is one of the main things business profiles do on social media when they start. And one can’t question the authenticity of those followers, judging them as real or fake, since all sorts of people follow a business profile.

Plus, fake followers are very useful for the influences and entertainers as well. It makes them look more popular, hence more watch-worthy, indirectly increasing the view time.


The impact of buying fake TikTok followers is wide. But these are some of the basic things the advanced impacts highly depend upon. Now we invite you to be creative and think of all other deeper, advanced impacts fake followers might have considering these basic concepts.

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Darshan Saroya

Darshan Saroya

A passionate WordPress Theme Developer. I love to create clean and modern themes, using the power of WordPress. Here I provide the tutorials related to WordPress Development, Core PHP and HTML.