What’s would be your SEO ranking factors

What’s would be your SEO ranking factors

Did you hear that Google change SERP algorithms and it will affect your site’s SEO? Or you might find some change in your website’s result ranking. Did you know why this happened? Did Google’s new algorithm affect your site’s SEO?

But what when I say that, it’s not because of Google algorithms. Now you ask me how can I say that. I can prove it. The only thing you need to go through this article. Then you decide, Is Google SERP algorithm responsible for this?

Is the SERP algorithm really affect SEO?

Google introduces a new algorithm for SEO in every few months. So it’s tough to go through the new algorithm every time and change content as per the new algorithm. Before backlinks play a vast role in page ranking but now it not matter much.

Google is smarter now. Google rank results as per content. Content is always King. Google or other search engine bot read your page as a reader and rank it as per content quality. If your content is best for the keyword, you are the king.

Other than content there are some points that need to be applied on a website to make your site up to date. That we will go through in this article.

Page Loading Speed

Google prioritizes user experience. And page loading time plays a big role in term of user experience. Even we neglect the page that has a big loading time and moves to the next result. Same Google does, Google open page like a real reader and get impressed with page loading time. Lesser the page loading time, better impression Google gets.

With low page loading time, Google mark it good for user experience and give priority to another page with large page loading time.

How to improve page loading time?

Now you know how page loading time plays a role in SEO. But don’t know how to improve page loading speed. Here are some simple points that help a lot in improving page loading time.

  • A good web hosting: Make sure that your web hosting provides you 100% uptime and provide a stable connection to your site.
  • HTTP/2 over HTTP/1: Switch to HTTP/2, as HTTP/2 make connection fast in compare to HTTP/1 and transport data between reader and server in the better way.
  • Optimized Media: This is the most important factor, images use in page increase the page size and hence it increases the page load time. So use images or video wisely. Use optimized images. There are a ton of way to optimize images.
  • Use minified stylesheets and scripts: Using minified scripts and styles also make page size smaller and improve page loading time.
  • Avoid use of iframe or embedded code: Embedded code also increase page load time, so prefer to avoid using it unless not compulsory.

Mobile Friendly Design

mobile friendly website - What’s would be your SEO ranking factorsNearly more than half of web users use mobile, that makes Google take it seriously. So user experience in mobile version also becomes a part for SEO algorithm.

On March 26, 2018, Google announced mobile-first indexing, which means that Google will prefer the mobile version of website page for indexing. And rank it as per the mobile version.

So it clear that no mobile friendly site, no SEO. For mobile-friendly design, your site must be responsive in all devices. The reader should not need to zoom in, zoom-out to read content.

How to make the site more mobile friendly?

Even your site is responsive, you might need to pay attention to some points to make site’s mobile version more user-friendly.

  • Make font size such that reader can easily read it.
  • Images must be responsive, means fully visible within the page.
  • Using scroll to top button, as it takes too much time to scroll.
  • Make form field clearly visible that the reader can use them easily.

Content Quality

Content Is King.

I think it the oldest quote in SEO. But still true and always will be. Only content is the thing that makes you the fan of a site. If the content is good or says exactly you need, you will prefer it for further queries.

content is king 300x300 - What’s would be your SEO ranking factors

Google also read a page like us and also impress as we. Then it ranks only that one with perfect content for the keyword. If your content clears the keyword perfectly, no algorithm stop you to rank.

How to make Content fit for Google and Readers?

Writing content is not a simple task, it’s an art. An art to explore your idea, an art to teach the reader about words so that he take them as you want. Here are some points that might help you write better content for your site.

  • Make content length as per requirement. If keyword needs only small content, make it small, don’t stretch it. But try to give in-depth knowledge for the topic. So that reader doesn’t need to go elsewhere. “There are studies that show that longer articles (1500+ words) dominate the first page SEO rankings, so feel free to get in depth with your article”, Ben from Ascend stated.
  • Try to make content interesting, by adding quotes, facts or incidents related to the topic. It also makes the reader think that you have a good knowledge about the topic and want to share it.
  • Make content more convenient to the reader. Use small paragraphs, bullet and numbered list. It makes the reader to convenient in first sight.
  • If lists have only 4-5 items then use number list, else use a bullet list. Most of the time the reader prefer less content to read.
  • Avoid duplication, off-topic. Once you break the flow, you will miss a reader.
  • Use visuals to make content more effective. But not much, use only where it needs. Visuals increase page size and effect page loading speed.

Website Security

website security - What’s would be your SEO ranking factors

Recently Google announced that if your website is not secure for the visitor, it will your site’s SEO. Again, Google behaves like us, we neglect the website which is not secure for us. So website security is a must for SEO and also for reader’s privacy.

You can install SSL or TLS protocol on your hosting. You can buy it from your hosting or from another online source.


Here are all points for SEO. I think you must get that, content is the main thing to rank your site. Other things are the demand of time. Like page loading time, security etc. Maybe you need new more thing for SEO, but content will be king for all time.

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Darshan Saroya

Darshan Saroya

A passionate WordPress Theme Developer. I love to create clean and modern themes, using the power of WordPress. Here I provide the tutorials related to WordPress Development, Core PHP and HTML.

1 Comment



January 4, 2019 at 4:57 pm Reply

An advanced SEO strategy is a method of organizing a website rank in search engines such as Google, Alexa and others. This article is very helpful for understanding the strategy.