Top 10+ Tips To Make Your Content More Engaging And Marketable

Top 10+ Tips To Make Your Content More Engaging And Marketable

In the duration, having a great digital marketing strategy is the key component of an online business. Content is unarguably the most significant part of efforts one put in for an intriguing online presence. From educating the audience to build trust in the customers or users, and engaging content comes handy. Even the digital marketer, you will hire cannot deny the role-play of high-quality content in increasing the traffic of a business website. Besides, this can help a website to be on the top in the search engines, thus leading towards better conversions.

content writing - Top 10+ Tips To Make Your Content More Engaging And Marketable

Search engine optimization highly depends upon the strong content. SEO Melbourne experts, SEORUS advise that to make the most out of the success of SEO, a website needs to provide content that is highly readable and relevant to its users. Whether the page is informational or transactional the content needs to meet the user’s needs, the content can be tremendous, but if it isn’t relevant, it won’t keep the users on the page. After all, there will be no place to keep keywords without content and without information no site would be fruitful. However, along with engaging words, there is a requirement of great visualization to keep the reader interested. Remember, without any picture, even an interesting storybook looks boring to its reader. So, move ahead with the same ideology with the content that would prove to be marketable.

The creation of commercial content is a challenge, especially when we start writing for our business blog, and we hardly have any notions of how to do it. It is important to take into account that the editors are also sellers since the reader enters to look for information about products and services that interest him. Good commercial content can influence his purchase decision.

Knowledge is power, and words carry great informative power, which we can use to attract quality traffic to our website, orient public opinion towards certain criteria that favour our brand and influence a person’s purchase decision.

But, how to create attractive texts, of good quality, and with which good results are obtained?


Content is now king in search engines; When we talk about content, in general, we refer to videos, infographics, GIFs, podcasts, among others. However, texts or articles are the best way to attract traffic, since, in addition to being attractive, they fulfil an SEO function: that of optimization.

Working with keywords is of great importance for a commercial text since these define the products and services of the company that we want to position, that is, that appear in search engines. On many occasions, we see how blog posts rank the best in search engines since they respond to queries from users who come to search for information on the web. For this reason, the intelligent use of a keyword, previously analyzed, and that responds to the interests and is relevant to the website, is very important.

Catchy title

When it comes to content creation, the title is fundamental as it serves as the first “hook” of the reader, and will be decisive of whether it enters to read or if it continues to “scroll,” either in social networks or in the engines of the search.

It is important to talk about the extension of the titles, since the content publishers have a character limit, being 60 the maximum; for this reason, we must focus on short titles, in which the keyword is preferably included, and that encourage the reader to click and find out what the article offers.

Content 80/20

One of the most famous standards of Inbound Marketing is that of 80/20, and in the writing of commercial texts, it can be applied in this way. 80% of the information must be of value to the reader, while 20% will be of the brand or company. In this way, we can arouse interest in readers, create a connection with them, and enjoy.


While we all have our writing style, it is recommended to rely on basic issues such as good spelling, proper grammar, correct use of punctuation marks, etc. The creativity in writing is a quality that can be your ally since you will be able to approach the same subjects (keywords) from different perspectives, as well as create friendly, attractive, and illustrative content that achieves their objectives.

As additional advice, it is recommended that the paragraphs do not tire the reader, being of average length. With the use of punctuation marks that also give the reader rest and allow him to assimilate better, the content presented.

Action calls

The Calling To Action, CTA, has not gone out of style and is still used in the creation of content, whether in videos, infographics, podcasts and obviously cannot be missing in blog articles. A call to action can be for the reader to share the content on their social networks (an important factor that can help the page gain authority), to visit more pages of the website as a virtual catalogue, or to encourage the reader to get in touch for more information or sales.

Internal links

Hand in hand with the previous point, placing internal links in the commercial content is very relevant and helpful for both the reader and the website. Not only can you link to the previous publications of the page, but you can link directly to the products of a category, for example, if it is an online store. This strategy has been very intelligent since, in addition to helping the page to be positioned in search engines, it will provide a guide for the reader to know how to purchase products, where to see more information, and stay longer on the website.

Customize and humanize your communication

It’s not so much that you’re like a newscast, who tells the news aseptically, we have to tell stories, infuse our character into what we express to the world, also on the internet.

Consider your experience

What content you have published have worked best for you, and why? If you analyze this, you can choose to check if repeating the same type of structure or publication you get the same effect. But be careful, go check, measuring, and analyzing to make sure.

Make a calendar, organize, structure, and keep track

If you organize the content that you are going to elaborate on for networks as well as for your website or blog, you will leave fewer options to improvise or random. Sometimes it is good to improvise, but if you live improvisation at all times, you run the risk of not controlling the situation, feeling insecure, having a crisis of inspiration and not knowing what to write, and that my friend, is to be doomed to failure. Organize your content by days, think about what you want to tell even if you don’t give it the final form yet, create a weekly or monthly content calendar that helps you be clear about what to publish every day.

Be a parrot of the present and the trends of the moment

It seems that this contradicts the previous point, but no. I already advanced in the paragraph above that there are times when it is good to improvise, and this is undoubtedly one of them. Although it is not improvising at all, it is improvisation with some control. People always want to be up to date with what is happening and know the trends of the moment. Well, offer it yourself, that you don’t have to go find it somewhere else and also be the reflection of what is said in the world.

Also, surely, in a large number of moments, you can adapt that current and newsworthy fact, with something related to your business or product. And if not, you can give it your character, print your stamp as a brand you are. Always be careful not to pour personal opinions that are not aligned with the mission, vision, and values of your company; in your digital and social channels of communication, your brand speaks and not you directly.

Read also: Best page builder to make your content awesome

Recover old posts or articles at other times of the year

Do it at different times and try. In the end, you generate a lot of information that does not have to die right after birth. If you have a blog, you can promote the same articles several times on your social networks, change the copy, give it another approach, pay attention to another part of the article, highlight another different phrase. Many times the second life is more successful than the first. Believe in the reincarnation of your articles and that they live several times. And with more reason, if something has already worked once, why not use it again?

World, international, and ephemeris days

There are always events, special days, and events to celebrate. Everyone likes to know when is the international day of cats or the birthday of our favourite artist. You don’t need to celebrate just like that all those days. Only collect those that have something to do with your business, that makes you see that you have a philosophy and a corporate social conscience, those in which an important achievement of the human being is celebrated. Once you select the ones that best suit your way of being (as a brand), see how you can link to them and then communicate it to your audience in your way.

Three key points are creativity, copywriting, and storytelling.

Creativity and imagination are key in generating the content, not only being creative when thinking about what to publish, but also having to have creativity when creating texts (copywriting), writing attractive, persuasive texts, and that delight user who follow us.

Also, we not only want to tell what we do, but we want to tell a story that reaches the hearts of the people and makes them choose us over the rest of the options (storytelling). All this set of practices, well done, will result in more interaction, more engagement, and, by extension, more conversion. Without a doubt, investing in this section will be a success for your company.

Use and take care of images and videos

You have to take care of both the text and design of your creative, type of photos you use or the quality of the videos. These elements are as strong or stronger than your texts. The same points above apply to the videos and images that you publish in your media.

content with images - Top 10+ Tips To Make Your Content More Engaging And Marketable

Actively listen, ask your users for an opinion. We already told you that the best source of content is your audience. That is why it is worth asking for your cooperation, even if you conduct surveys or request your help in deciding certain content to offer.

Make brand content or content marketing and generate interesting content, but related to your services. Feed the need to meet you and know more about you.

Search for sources of information, investigate.this is also known as content creation. We already gave you a lot of tools to find content sources on the net. As always, you have to organize and select interesting topics.

Offer different content on each of your channels

Do not copy-paste. Each social network has its peculiarity and its keys to success. About this point, we remind you of the advice we gave you about the contents that work best on Instagram, in case it inspires you.

For this reason, the intelligent use of a keyword, previously analyzed, and that responds to the interests and is relevant to the website, is very important. “I cannot stress how important this concept is. When I started, I would target irrelevant or difficult keywords. When I learned more, I started targeting more specific keywords such as Connecticut Chapter 13 Bankruptcy or Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Wisconsin. These keywords were much better at matching user’s intent”, stated Ben Tejes, Co-Founder of Ascend Finance.

It’s not so much that you’re like a newscast, who tells the news aseptically, we have to tell stories, infuse our character into what we express to the world, also on the internet. “The concept of connecting with your audience is vital, especially when helping people understand his/her finances from a financial hardship. It’s also helpful to connect with your audience with more difficult, comprehensive topics such as Chapter 11 Subchapter V ” stated Ben Tejes, Co-Founder of Ascend Finance.

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Darshan Saroya

Darshan Saroya

A passionate WordPress Theme Developer. I love to create clean and modern themes, using the power of WordPress. Here I provide the tutorials related to WordPress Development, Core PHP and HTML.