Best and Easiest way to Do Keyword Research for your Blog

Best and Easiest way to Do Keyword Research for your Blog

If you own a blog you must familiar with the word Keyword Research. You need some keyword research before writing your article. There are many websites that make keyword research quite simple. But still you need to know basic idea about keyword and why we need it.

What are SEO Keywords?

SEO keywords can be any word or phrase in the article that help people to find it via search engine. When you publish an article and submit it to a search engine, bot reads your content and give it a position in search result.

Let if you write an article on Make Money Online,then you have to keep in mind that how people can search this on Google. Like Earn online Money, How to earn online, What are the ways to get online money, Best way to earn online etc.

So all these are the keywords for your article.

Why Keyword Research?

You can’t rank an article with Single Keyword, as there are alot of articles existed already.

Nowadays, search engine algorithms are more complicated. Only perfect articles can be ranked higher. Articles with perfect keywords density and length have a good position in search result. So, Keyword Research is must.

Keyword research is a way to find out related keywords or phrases for your article. It is not compulsory that you should use any online tools, you can find them in other ways also. Some of them I will discuss below.

How to Do Keyword Research?

If you are clear with the term Keyword Research you can easily do a Keyword Research. Here I am not discussing any online tools, I just teach simple way with which you can do Keyword Research yourself.

Search your Keyword

This is the best to understand how keyword works. Just search the thing on which you want to write article. Read the top results, and search again with another related phrase. Like first search How to Make money online than search Best ways to earn online. When read the articles you find in search result, you will find how these articles are written. How they use different related keywords or phrases. Copy keywords in a text file to use them after.

Use Google’s Suggestion

keyword research via google suggestion - Best and Easiest way to Do Keyword Research for your Blog

When you search something on google, it shows some suggestion related to word you are writing. These will be you related keywords. As Google show the most searched keywords in auto-suggestions. Use different keywords to get more suggestion. With this method, you can get the most searched keyword related to your article.

Use Search related keywords

When you search something on Google, Google show related searched keywords at the bottom of the result. Use them, they also have good chance to rank your article.

Searches related your keyword research - Best and Easiest way to Do Keyword Research for your Blog

Use Keyword Research Tools

There are many online keyword research tools are available. You can use them. Online keyword Research Tools provide more data for the keyword. Like monthly searches, keyword competition, keyword value etc.

Sum Up

Once you search enough keywords, you need to use them in your article. Make sure that you use them in a readable form. Once you complete your article read it and edit it until you satisfy with the content. This is most important thing, article must be interesting so that reader eager read your other article also.

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Darshan Saroya

Darshan Saroya

A passionate WordPress Theme Developer. I love to create clean and modern themes, using the power of WordPress. Here I provide the tutorials related to WordPress Development, Core PHP and HTML.