The Ultimate Guide to Email Marketing for Small Business

The Ultimate Guide to Email Marketing for Small Business

Today email marketing is one of the primary ways for small businesses to stay in touch with customers and partners. It is because around 3.9 billion people globally are depended on email. Even the digital marketing agency will suggest email marketing when you want to keep the cost down, build a loyal customer base, and generate sales for your small business.

Are you as a small business owner thinking to consider email marketing? If yes, then before you make a decision take a look at this complete guide to email marketing for small businesses. From how to get an email list, how to create a marketing email, types of best email marketing services to its importance for small business, everything you need to know is addressed.

Why Email Marketing Is Important for Small Business?

It is vital to develop a good relationship with prospects, leads, existing customers, and even past clients to build a strong foundation for your small business. It is possible when you opt for email marketing. It provides you with a chance to communicate directly with your potential customers, in their inbox, at a time.

Being the fastest growing areas on the Internet, maximum entrepreneurs consider email marketing to expand their business successfully. Even 81% of the B2B marketers use email newsletters for content marketing strategy. However, as per Litmus’s State of Email 2020 research, email marketing’s return on investment (ROI) is $42 for every $1 spent.

Furthermore, 31% of the marketers voted email newsletters as the best way to nurture leads. All in all, with all of the above figures, you can now know how important is email marketing for your small business. It remains as the king of all marketing strategies.

What Is the Best Email Marketing Service for Small Businesses?

Now when you know the significance of email marketing for your small business, you must be eager to find out the best email marketing services. There are many online services which help you develop an engaging email newsletter providing unique templates that suit your business standards.

Creating a list and then sending out hundreds of emails requires a lot of time. Therefore, it is inefficient and inconvenient for any small business owner. That’s where email marketing online platforms come to aid. It helps your free up time and automates the processes of creating and sending emails to targeted customers.

Below is the list of the top email marketing services for small businesses that help you with every process covered in email building.

  • Constant Contact
  • SendInBlue
  • GetResponse
  • HubSpot
  • ConvertKit
  • MailChimp
  • Drip
  • AWeber

Emailing using this mentioned email software can help you advertise your product, company or any service efficiently. You can easily convey the strong points about your business to a maximum number of people.

How to Get an Email List for Marketing?

Getting an email list is the vital thing as if you do not have a list of customer’s emails, then how can you send them and make them know about your business discount offers or any other deal. After researching and asking many of the business owners and marketing experts about their tools or way of collecting emails addresses, here is the list of some tips you can consider.

  • Offer beneficial resources or use Facebook ads
  • Provide free tutorial videos and post it on social media
  • Promote newsletter signup through the entire website
  • Get personal and try to make a strong bond with the customer
  • Use popups on your site to promote special offers

Use any of the technique to extract maximum customer email addresses. Once you get the list of email addresses, you can then use any online software for creating email newsletter and then send it to the entire email list. This way, you can get the most out of your investment within time while expanding your small business.

How to Create a Marketing Email for Your Small Business?

According to the study, people receives 121 emails every day, which means you have significantly less time to make a strategy. Also, your email may get lost in crowded inboxes or worst case, be sent to the spam folder.

However, you can learn how to create a sufficient marketing email that people want to read. Everything needs planning so as creating engaging marketing email. Consider the following steps as an outline for your email strategy.

  • Define Your Audience
  • Establish Your Goals.
  • Make way for People to Sign Up
  • Choose an Email Campaign Type
  • Make a Schedule
  • Measure Your Results

A powerful email is a relevant email. Follow all of the above steps and develop an engaging email newsletter that describes your business services or offers clearly.

What Is the Success Rate of Email Marketing?

Considering email marketing, you must be worried that is it beneficial for my small business and what is its success rate? According to the study, an average open rate is 23.4%, while the average click-through rate is 17.8%. It is a clear fact that email newsletter takes time for creating from developing an email draft to designing the newsletter.

However, the study also announced that from 100 email newsletter sent to people, many got converted into a purchase. Thus, when you sent a goal for an email marketing campaign, you need to keep in mind your business standards. If you are receiving a higher percentage of interest than your industry standards, then you are implementing an email marketing well.

Final Words

It is always better to think one step ahead of your competitors if you want your small business to generate maximum leads. Whenever you have a tight budget, considering the smart and most effective digital marketing strategy is essential. Email marketing is one of the cost-effective and result-oriented marketing tactics. Everything you want to know about the importance of email marketing for your small business to its success rate is mentioned in this article.

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Darshan Saroya

Darshan Saroya

A passionate WordPress Theme Developer. I love to create clean and modern themes, using the power of WordPress. Here I provide the tutorials related to WordPress Development, Core PHP and HTML.