On Page Ranking Factors For Content Optimization In Google

On Page Ranking Factors For Content Optimization In Google

If you are a business owner or a content writer or an SEO expert, you will know the importance on-page ranking factors play on the ability of the page. In on-page SEO, content optimization play most important role. Some of the largest on-page factors for content optimization, that can play havoc in the online rankings are –

business seo - On Page Ranking Factors For Content Optimization In Google

1.Content of Page

Leave alone the perfect website domain for a subject, the to-the-word URL and call-to-action images, unless the content is good, neither the readers nor the search engines will attach importance to your website. When a visitor comes to the website, it is mandatory that he gets the right content. Whether from an SEO perspective or another, a good content requires two attributes. It must satisfy the requirement of the visitor as well be linkable.

A. Increase Content-Length

When you say content, provide the information but in a longer format. Then you can add the relevant number of keywords in the article. For SEO optimization, you have to find the right balance between the words and value. That means do not beat around the bush as the visitor will get bored and skip to the next page.

B. Article content

Everybody knows that quality is KING. But when it comes to delivery, the words should be free of grammatical and spelling errors. It needs to attract people and keep them on the page. Agreed, Google cannot check millions of web pages but it has metrics such as the time a visitor spent on site, how many visitors repeatedly come to the website, whether they share or bookmark the page. Also, write your own content. It should be unique. If the content is plagiarized, then it can cost you the rankings in Google search. Your website may be pushed to a corner.

C. Natural Language

If you want the website to get good rankings from Google, then ensure that the body content in every article contains the relevant keywords many times. You can also use synonyms of the word. In case you are trying to write an article on Rappers, these words can be used – rap, rock and roll and MC Hammer etc. Another practice which you could do is to read the content loud. Do the words flow naturally or do the words look as if they are embedded? If they are not, consider reducing the keyword usage.

If you have an e-Commerce website selling technology, let the information be given in simple words. Do not use technical jargons. That will make the visitor confused.

D. Readability of Viewers

Do you find the font too small? Then how do you think the readers will take a liking? Select the font that gives clean visibility. Also, ensure that it tunes well to the images. Also, do not change the fonts for every article. Let it remain the same.

In case of the opposite, then the visitor will easily go from your website to the next website. If they are not able to read the content, then the bounce rate will be high. The search engines will get the idea that the page is not of much value. So a good writing skill makes readers to read the full article.

F. Organize Facts – Infrastructure

Do you like to read the article is written? Please note that there should be an introduction, explanation and conclusion. Then the visitors can easily grasp the idea and if he/she likes it, they can share the article on their social media platforms. Do not arrange the words or ideas in a haphazard manner. Many bloggers follow the method of writing an article and then check it after a day. This will ensure that the mistakes are taken care of before the article gets published.

If you give the search engines the best information that is on your website, it can only enhance the performance in rankings. When you have a structured data, you can get many benefits such as improvement in CTR in the SERP value, enhanced SEO performance. If you want to get more information, then search on the internet for tools to add structured data and also mention the reference guides at the conclusion of the document if required.

2. Demand

You name any successful business. It should meet the demand and satisfaction of the customer. The content of the website becomes more successful when it gives the highest information to the visitor. The content may have various forms. It can have a video, text, image or sound, but it has to satisfy the demand.

3. Title Tag

You have a website, but do you know about the title tags? They are considered one of the most important on-page factors as far as SEO is concerned. It is essential that you add the subject even in the tag.

4. Title – Always Include Keywords:

When you include the keywords naturally in the title tag, then you are likely to receive a part in the back from Google when it comes to ranking. You can also fare high in the SERP results. You should achieve expertise in the art of writing good headlines, writing title tags that is easy to understand which focuses exactly on the point.

5. Titles in H1 Tags

If you are a website owner, you should know that H1 tags are used in practice only for the Headline. You should make the title based on this tag. You can also use keywords with H2, H3 and H4 tags. Also, pay attention to the following questions –

Do the headings and subheadings use the keywords naturally? Are they committed to the page flow? Put yourself in the shoes of the visitor and check if you can get engaged to the page. When you get the answers to these questions, then you are at a good level of the on-page optimization process.

6. Meta Description

add meta description - On Page Ranking Factors For Content Optimization In Google

It is another powerful tool that you get in the SERPs. In fact, you can add the words for free. Make each alphabet and word count by infusing a call-to-action mode, the name of your product, service or brand. If possible, also include geographic locations regarding the business. Learn to utilize the space effectively.


Have you gone through the entire list? Then it will easily help you gain information on the on-page ranking factors for content optimization for a page. Now all you have to do is to implement these tactics in the page for SEO success. Let us take a case study. You have a roaring water purifier service business in Bangalore. In this city, you provide qualified technicians for Water purifier service in Bangalore . You have included the recent changes in technology to your business. The company has a website and a telephone number, where customers can call and book a request for the service to be provided at their own valuable time. In the website, you also have a blog, where articles are written with respect to only water purifiers. Notable among the titles are maintenance tips for water purifiers, the best brands, good discount deals etc. Since you have implemented the tricks of including the content as per the on-page optimization factors for your website, it scores above the other competitors.

Well, this article gives information only on the content optimization. Yes, we understand that we have to include content for URL, image optimization, usage of social sharing buttons, outbound and inbound links etc. We will cover all the information in the next article.

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Darshan Saroya

Darshan Saroya

A passionate WordPress Theme Developer. I love to create clean and modern themes, using the power of WordPress. Here I provide the tutorials related to WordPress Development, Core PHP and HTML.