5 SEO Risks to Take and Avoid- SEO Guide

Many small and medium-sized business owners are still torn between adopting and rejecting SEO practices. On the one hand, it is necessary for every business owner to consider various ways of increasing the level of exposure of the company online. On the other hand, the fact that it takes several months for the effects of a typical SEO project to emerge does not augur well with many owners of businesses. Therefore, the choice of adopting SEO is a matter of deciding what kind of risks you can take. the following is a brief discussion often SEO risks. You should avoid five of the risks while embracing the others.

5 SEO Risks you should take

For you to rank highly in any Serpbook results, you need to do a lot of things. Here are some of the risks that you can take because they can help you perform well over the course of time.

#1. Redesigning your website

Building a website is one of the most resource-intensive activities that you will ever undertake while marketing your firm. You need to first identify the right service provider for the task. Then, you must set aside a given amount of money to facilitate the process. also, you need to ensure that the work is done according to your needs so that you get a website that reflects your specific requirements. When you have to enhance your online presence, it is necessary to redesign your website. in this case, redesigning the website does not mean implementing a few changes here and there. On the contrary, you must consider rebuilding every aspect of your website to make it appealing to your audience.

#2. Reevaluate the URL structure of your site

The URL structure of your website is critical because it is what the search engines see when they are trying to evaluate the site. thus, if you have a poor structure, then the search engines will have a tough time understanding your site. If this is the case, then the engines may deliberately rate you poorly. You need to reexamine your URLs as part of the SEO work. However, doing so is a big risk because you must spend money and time. It is very tedious to restructure the URLs of your site. However, once you have taken the time to identify and fix all the flaws related to URLs on your site, you may get the benefits later in the form of increased positive exposure in search engines.

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#3. Performing A/B Testing on your site

A/B testing is a complex process that professionals use to examine the impact of small and substantial changes in the performance of a site, in this case. For example, if you decide to use it on your website, you will have to make small changes to various parts of the website and then testing the impact of the changes. You may have to ask your viewers to rate the changes for you to evaluate whether you should implement them fully or stick to the original version of things. Doing this process is a big risk because it costs resources and time. also, you cannot tell what people want easily because their tastes and preferences keep changing.

#4. Building Links

Backlinks form the backbone of any SEO work. primarily, if you have high-quality backlinks, then the search engines tend to rate your website highly. However, if you have many spammy or low-quality links, then the search engines conclude that your site is as bad as those that link back to it. You must invest some time in the process of building links. It is usually very time-consuming to convince owners of credible sites to give you links. Also, it may be costly to give links to other sites. However, if things go well, this approach can be very beneficial to you.

#5. Buying new domains strategically

You stand to gain a lot by actively participating in the practice of strategically buying domains. Let us look at a simple example of how this works. If you are planning to start a business that sells kids clothes in Australia, it makes sense for you to have the following domain, ‘australiankidsshop.au.’ However, because of the competition that exists in the market for the domain, you may miss it. You can still get this domain by buying it later. You can use the approach to make sure that all your domains are perfect fits to the nature and location of your business.

5 SEO Risks to Avoid

For you to succeed in your online marketing endeavours, you must avoid these and many more SEO risks.

#1. Deleting entire pages from your site

If you realize that you should delete a page because of some changes in your products, then you need to think again before you do it. ideally, every page of your site has specific keywords. The pages help to support your overall rank because of the keywords that they have. If you delete a page, you mess up with the keyword balance of your site, thus risking your rank.

#2. Using a lot of keywords in your anchor texts

Your anchor texts provide the links that users can follow to access other resources that are related to what you have on your website. However, it is very tempting to build anchor texts on your keywords. Although this practice may sound attractive, you should never adopt it. Search engines nowadays frown upon sites that use keywords for their anchor texts.

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#3. Continually making small changes on your site

Although ever effective SEO strategy is usually built on the practice of deliberately making changes to various aspects of a website, if you overdo it, you may not realize the benefits. You should avoid continually making minor changes to your site. using such an approach may interfere with the way your visitors use your website. also, if you make such minor changes without a break, you may lose your rank in organic searches over time.

#4. Rejecting neutral backlinks

Building backlinks are all about gaining credibility. In so doing, you may either get or give links that help to build your reputation. In some instances, you can get links that are neither bad not good. Such types of links are referred to as neutral links because they neither hurt not benefit your site. you should not always reject such links. It makes sense at times to keep them because they may turn out to be beneficial later.

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#5. Keyword stuffing

You should never abuse keywords in the hope that doing so will boost your SEO performance. Outsourcing your SEO copywriting tasks may be a significant risk that you should avoid always. In some instances, writers who are doing it for the money may use such tactics, thus undermining the performance of your SEO strategy.

In summary, these are ten SEO risks that you should either take or avoid altogether. You can take the first five because doing so may end up being one of the best decisions that you have ever made. On the contrary, you should avoid the last five because if you take them, you may lose your SEO performance.

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Darshan Saroya

Darshan Saroya

A passionate WordPress Theme Developer. I love to create clean and modern themes, using the power of WordPress. Here I provide the tutorials related to WordPress Development, Core PHP and HTML.

1 Comment



July 19, 2018 at 9:38 am Reply

Great piece of info! Cheers for sharing.